Saint Matthias the Apostle

1st century, Roman Judea
Feast Day: February 24 a bearded man holding a coin.

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Matthias was the apostle chosen from the body of believers to replace Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Jesus. Little is known about him or his teachings, but in modern times, he is a patron saint of alcoholics.

I don't normally take requests or commissions, but I created this icon of St. Matthias at the request of a friend in recovery to distribute at a Recovery Eucharist held at our parish. Many Episcopalians struggle with alcoholism, but we also recognize it as a treatable illness as opposed to a moral failing. Episcopal churches often host AA meetings and other recovery-focused groups and services.

It takes a great deal of strength and integrity to admit to a problem with substance addiction and to enter a recovery program. For this, Matthias and those who venerate him as their patron saint are counted among the honored ranks of the "faithful heretics."


  • Open hand gesture: symbolizes trust and sincerity in traditional iconography. It also says "no thanks."
  • Silver coin: represents a sobriety chip, which are used in many recovery programs to mark milestones in a person's journey. It is also a link to Judas the betrayer: it is a "piece of silver," but it has been transformed from a mark of shame to a badge of courage and honor.
  • Roman numeral XII (12): represents Matthias' place in the twelve apostles, replacing Judas, but it also represents the 12 steps of many recovery programs including AA.